Each semester Aurora welcomes a fresh crop of young faces as interns. In exchange for their support with administrative responsibilities, office management and events, we offer them hands-on experience as a non-profit media arts professional. This semester, we are happy to announce that we have three helper bees. If you have not yet met them at Aurora function, then please do say hello the next time that you join us!
Aurora Picture Show Spring 2014 Interns:
Jacinta Molina
I am Jacinta Molina, Fine Artist graduated from La Universidad Nacional de Colombia. My artistic creation has been mostly video art and drawing. But, I do whatever the idea needs to come alive. Currently, I am studying Film Making in the Houston Community College and I have learn many technical strategies in the video production; nevertheless, I was starting to miss the artistic perspective and happily I found Aurora Picture Show as an act of fate, and based in the time I been here I can feel that my learning process will be very interesting and inspirational. I am a lover of the audiovisual language and I spend big part of my time watching films. I do like poetry in all its possibles forms and being outside.
Megan Sparks
Megan Sparks , an extremely proud Houstonian, is a Junior at the University of Houston-Downtown studying Corporate Communication. Possessing a deep appreciation for the arts, arts advocacy and community engagement, Megan is excited to be an intern at Aurora Picture Show . An aspiring arts administrator, she hopes to learn the ins and outs of working at an arts nonprofit. Megan is an avid enthusiast of the Houston music scene, and she spends her spare time attending as many shows as her wallet will allow her. She also enjoys reading, watching too much television for her own good, slowly building her vinyl collection and seeing movies at the River Oaks Theatre.
Robyn Pereira
Robyn Marie Pereira is a 17-year-old senior from the Digital Media Academy at Hightower High School just south of Houston. She is planning to study Photo Communications and Business at St. Edward’s University in the fall and found Aurora Picture Show to be a perfect place to intern with on her way there. Robyn had already been interning with Carlino’s Photography in Richmond, but the way in which APS works with local artists within the community was a key drawing point for her when deciding to take on the second internship. In her time away from interning, she also works as a waitress at Star Cinema Grill, a local dine-in movie theater in Missouri City, TX. Her interests outside of work include playing soccer as captain of her school’s varsity team and going to alternative rock concerts in the Houston area.