Monday, June 28, 2010

Not short of a good time at Extremely Shorts

As June comes to a close, another Aurora anniversary passes (13 years and counting) and Aurora staff put away the karaoke mics, picnic tablecloths, and voting ballots for our annual Extremely Shorts festival. We'd like to send out a special thanks to our juror Donald Harrison from Ann Arbor Film Festival who endured the sauna-like Houston weather, a surprisingly loud visitor at 1 a.m. Saturday, and sing-a-long peer pressure (resulting in a great rendition of "Common People") for this year's fest. All that and he still left the Aurora staff brownies. And congratulations to this year's Audience Choice Winners of Extremely Shorts: (1) La Pinata by Manuel Arija, (2) Short Stitched by Jenalia Moreno (2) and (3) Bulldozer by Melissa Hung (who also happens to the curator behind Aurora's annual Slant Film Festival). Your checks are already in the mail. Thanks to Aurora's ever-kind sponsors for the event including Saint Arnold Brewing Company, Ruggles Green, Whole Foods Market Houston, Tony Mandola's, Brasil, Carlos Lama, Molly Gochman, and Aztec Rentals. See you all next year - we are already plotting for more shorts, more songs, and more beer, naturally.

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