Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Please Welcome Our New Membership Associate!

You might recognize this smiling face!  We are thrilled to announce that we have hired former intern, Sinai Tirado, as our new Membership and Administrative Associate.  It always feels good to promote a volunteer, and we have been fans of Sinai since her days of laboring for free for us-  always with a smile and a positive attitude.  Sinai will be our office and screening greeter, as well as coordinate all the membership responsibilities and general office management for Aurora Picture Show.

Her first big adventure as Aurora staff will be at the Boot Camp premiere this Saturday, so make sure to congratulate her and give her a big Aurora welcome the next time you see her giving member love at the table or on the phones.  (FYI, pronounce her name "Sin-ah-ee")

Best of wishes to our former staff member Tara Roach has moved on to other office adventures with a full-time position in the corporate world of Downtown Houston.


Adopting the artistic tendencies of her family back in Venezuela, Sinaí uprooted herself in Houston and received her BA in Media Production from the University of Houston where she discovered her love for video editing. A passion she strives to pursue on various production projects around the world. Besides helping create a unique cinematic experience, you can probably find her riding her bike, trying hearty food, or explaining to people how to pronounce her name (Xena-E).

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